Effective Communication Program (ECP)

Program Overview

Neurodivergent adults may have challenges with social communication. The Effective Communication Program (ECP) aims to equip the participants with the communication skills and self-regulation strategies needed for successful employment. The program uses practical examples, exercises and individual support to learn communication techniques needed in all relationships and is specifically targeted at the workplace. These small group sessions are relaxed and fun with new skills learnt each week, building on the previous week’s learnings.


10 weeks – Each week consists of a 3-hour small group session and a 1 hour one-on-one with a coach to reinforce learnings.


At our office in Canberra

Upcoming Dates

03 April 2025

19 May 2025

18 June 2025

Topics Include

  • Self-awareness (recognising own emotions, anxiety, and stress)
  • Self-regulation strategies
  • Starting and maintaining conversations
  • Understanding different communication and relationship types and what’s appropriate
  • Building rapport, listening skills, and asking questions
  • Communication to find employment and within the workplace
  • Giving, receiving, and acting on feedback from others
  • Dealing with issues such as workplace bullying and harassment
  • Handling disagreements and resolving conflict
  • Learning how to advocate for yourself.

Time Management

​Program Overview

A common struggle faced by neurodivergent adults is the concept of time management. We have specifically designed our program to provide simple tips and techniques to manage your time more efficiently.

Our Time Management program is four workshops for participants, supported by one-on-one coaching after each workshop. Each of the workshops have activities designed to introduce and develop Time Management concepts and skills and prepare participants for the world of work.


4 weeks – Four 2-hour group sessions, Four one-on-one sessions with a coach.


At our office in Canberra

Upcoming Dates

02 April 2025

June 2025

Topics Include

  • Introduction and what does time management mean to me?
  • What are my strengths, barriers, and default behaviours?
  • Successful preparation
  • Schedule time
  • Reflection: Outcomes of Workshop 1 Practice
  • Contingencies and priorities
  • Proactive planning
  • Putting everything into practice

Executive Functioning

Program Overview

The Executive Functioning program aims to build awareness and skills related to the topic, to help participants thrive both at home and in the workplace. The program uses activities, practical examples and individualised coaching to assist participants with learning and applying new strategies.


10 weeks – Each week consists of a 3-hour small group session and a 1 hour one-on-one with a coach to reinforce learnings. An additional 1 hour session will be completed with a coach prior to starting the course.


At our office in Canberra

Upcoming Dates

16 April 2025

12 June 2025

Topics Include

  • Self-awareness and self-regulation (recognising and managing own emotions)
  • Managing Perfectionism and All or Nothing mindsets
  • Learning strategies to help with task initiation and avoid task fixation
  • Switching between different tasks
  • Keeping track of what tasks need to be done, and completing them
  • Retaining information
  • Managing the anxiety around deadlines, and strategies for meeting deadlines
  • Mental flexibility around change and new experiences
  • Understanding different perspectives
  • Recognising and managing burn-out
  • Creating and implementing a self-care plan
  • Dealing with feelings around failure.

Finance Program

Program Overview

Our Finance program covers basic awareness through to more advanced topics such as credit rating and independent living. The program has been broken down to 6 topics so you can choose to complete the whole program or select which topics are relevant to your current needs. Descriptions are below.


At our office in Canberra

Upcoming Dates

Topic 1 – 22 April 2025; 24 June 2025
Topic 2 – 29 April 2025
Topic 3 – 01 April 2025; 6 May 2025
Topic 4 – 13 May 2025
Topic 5 – 15 April 2025; 27 May 2025
Topic 6 –  06 May 2025

Topic Descriptions

Topic 1 – Awareness

Covers topics such as basic cost of things, income vs lifestyle, want vs needs, use money wisely. 2-hour group session and follow up one-on-one session.

Topic 2  – Financial Literacy

Covers definitions and terminology, taxation, earning power and overview of an NDIS plan. 2-hour group session and follow up one-on-one session.

Topic 3 – Job Ready

Covers processes for online applications and updates related to TFN and Superannuation, including how to troubleshoot application issues. 2-hour group session and follow up one-on-one session.

Topic 4 – Budget and Goals

  • Workshop 1 covers setting a realistic budget and savings plan, unexpected events – how to factor them in, budget and savings plan. 2-hour group session and follow up one-on-one session.
  • Workshop 2 covers benefits of Independent Living, future state costs (renting or buying), living expenses and what can I afford. 2-hour group session and follow up one-on-one session.


Topic 5 – Advanced Skills in Finance

  • Workshop 1 covers taxation, financial scams and what to do if you have been the victim of a scam. 2-hour group session and follow up one-on-one session.
  • Workshop 2 covers credit scores, interest, loans and other borrowing. 2-hour group session and follow up one-on-one session.

Topic 6 – Revision and Achievement

  • Workshop 1 is a revision session of all previous workshops to help individuals build confidence. 2-hour group session and follow up one-on-one session.
  • Workshop 2 allows participants to practically apply their skills while celebrating their achievements, by playing a revised Game of Life. 2-hour group session and follow up one-on-one session.

Nutrition Program

Program Overview

Food plays a vital role in energy, focus, and overall well-being. This program is designed to help participants develop a better understanding of nutrition in a way that suits their needs. We recognise that sensory sensitivities, executive functioning differences, and personal preferences can shape how we approach food.

Through interactive discussions, hands-on activities, and individualised coaching, participants will explore practical strategies to build a positive relationship with food, improve meal planning skills, and make choices that work for them—without rigid rules or pressure.


5 weeks – Each week consists of a 2-hour small group session and a 1 hour one-on-one with a coach to reinforce learnings.


In person at our Canberra office

Upcoming Dates

23 April 2025

13 May 2025

13 June 2025

Topics Include

  • Exploring what food is for each individual to build self-awareness
  • Understanding hunger, thirst, and sensory needs around food
  • How emotions and environment can impact eating habits
  • The role of food in energy and focus
  • Making sense of macronutrients and micronutrients
  • Executive functioning strategies relevant to nutrition
  • An introduction to simple self-meal planning and food prep
  • Building confidence and independence with nutrition
  • Building skills such as reading nutritional labels

Employment Pursuit Program

Program Overview

Embarking on a job search can be overwhelming, but with our program you’ll gain the skills and confidence needed to navigate the process. Our program covers developing resumes and cover letters for specific roles, finding opportunities, tracking applications, STAR method, preparing for an interview, common questions, following up after the interview and accepting/declining a job opportunity. The program also covers tips for a successful interview, including dress code, communication, and planning strategies. We review common questions and responses and roleplay interviews.


6 weeks – Each week consists of a 3-hour small group session and a 1 hour one-on-one with a coach.


At our office in Canberra

Upcoming Dates

03 April 2025

28 May 2025

17 June 2025

Topics Include

  • Resumes – what to include/exclude, job specific, the importance of references.
  • How to find opportunities for employment
  • Application letters and using the STAR method
  • Responding to a request for an interview
  • How to be best prepared for an interview
  • Roleplaying different types of interviews
  • What should you do after the interview
  • How to accept of decline a job offer
  • Strategies when you are not successful

Work Ready

Program Overview

The program provides a pathway to work-readiness. It includes ongoing individualised self-regulation techniques, the creation of a work-based schedule and immersion in simulated work activities and scenarios. We build on successes from training, experiences, or our previous programs by targeting and improving time-management, financial knowledge, and communication capabilities.

By the end of the program, participants have developed their own Neurodiversity Passport to showcase and use as a means of self-advocacy with their current or future employer. Our program is tailor-made by experts for the specific purpose of preparing neurodivergent individuals for their working life. It is a step-by-step process designed to build confidence. Three separate themes are used to scaffold learning, starting with My workplace, moving into My wellbeing, and concluding with My skills at work.


Eight (8) face to face small group workshops followed up with a 1-hour one-on-one coaching session to develop further skills and maximise individual goals. The workshops are 3 hours each and scheduling is organised to replicate a working day. For later workshops this may mean attending two workshops in one day.


At our office in Canberra

Upcoming Dates

02 May 2025

Topics Include

  • Understanding a workplace structure and requirements, preparing for a successful transition to work through planning and preparation
  • Workplace expectations and communication strategies
  • My wellbeing in the workplace
  • Manage priorities and energy levels to achieve work life balance and avoid burnout
  • Consider other perspectives – use discretion with language and topics in the workplace
  • Teamwork in the workplace
  • Disclosure and self-advocacy
  • My Neurodiversity Passport

Barista and Customer Service Program

Program Overview

In our comprehensive Barista and Customer Service Program you’ll cover both the art of crafting delicious beverages and delivering great customer service. The program begins with a dive into coffee’s history and origins, followed by an exploration of essential equipment, cleaning and their maintenance. You’ll learn to prepare common coffee orders and perfect milk steaming techniques, even delving into the world of latte art.

Beyond coffee preparation, we’ll equip you with crucial customer service skills, teaching you to efficiently take orders, handle complaints, and self-regulation strategies. By the end of this training, you’ll be confident to create common coffee orders while keeping your work area clean and providing great customer service.


4 weeks – Each week consists of a 3-hour small group session and a 1 hour one-on-one with a coach.


At our office in Canberra

Upcoming Dates

15 May 2025

Topics Include

  • Introduction to coffee
  • Equipment used by a Barista
  • Common coffee orders
  • Cleaning the machine and work area
  • Milk steaming and Latte art
  • Key aspects of customer service for Baristas
  • Handling complaints
  • Self-regulation strategies that can be used at work
  • Taking common orders (including learning common abbreviations)
  • Specialty coffee orders
  • Non-coffee drinks

Hospitality Program

Program Overview

Some Neurodivergent adults can find the prospect of a role in the hospitality industry daunting. Our Hospitality Program provides participants with experience in a bona fide café, the Food Co-op. Participants rotate through all aspects of working in a café, with our aim to develop capacity in a customer facing role with the guidance of designated coaching support. Participants will obtain key skills in a safe, diverse work environment, and gain experience that can be used in applying for positions in the future.


6 weeks – Each week consists of a 2-hour shift at the Food Co-Op in Canberra and a 1 hour one-on-one with a coach to reinforce learnings.


At our office in Canberra and the Food Co-Op

Upcoming Dates

April 2025 

Competencies Developed

  • Cash handling and point-of-sale (POS) system operation.
  • Customer service skills, including communication, problem-solving, and conflict resolution.
  • Food preparation and food service skills.
  • Inventory management and stock replenishment.
  • Time management and multitasking abilities.
  • Cleaning and sanitation skills, including food safety and hygiene practices.
  • Teamwork and collaboration skills.
  • Attention to detail, especially when labeling products and checking expiration dates.
  • Organisational skills, including keeping track of multiple tasks and schedules.
  • Adaptability and flexibility to handle unexpected situations.
  • Ability to work under pressure during busy periods.
  • Basic knowledge of nutrition and dietary restrictions.
  • Safe handling of hot foods, like soup and curry.

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