Inclusion in Employment – Rina’s Story

The Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards acknowledge the outstanding achievements of business, organisations and individuals who have clearly demonstrated their commitment to encourage, welcome and support people with a disability in their workplace, business and community.

They have commenced the release of a series of videos, each with a specific theme which align with Inclusion Awards categories and highlight great examples of progress make toward better inclusion in our community.

The videos focus on celebrating the good and positive stories which have emerged since the beginning of the COVID-19 Health Emergency. Celebrating inclusion in our community rather than awarding individuals and organisations.

This is the first video in a series of stories that highlight inclusion in the Canberra community – Rina’s Story

Following years of volunteer and unpaid work Rina has now secured a permanent part-time position which she describes as her dream job thanks to ‘Employ For Ability’.

David Smith for Employ for Ability –  Linkedin + Facebook
An autism and neurodiversity employment specialist and advocate.
Working for the last 20 years in the recruitment sector coaching and mentoring clients, candidates and staff to reach their potential.


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