Our SLES Program is designed to help young adults with an autism diagnosis (or other neurodivergent conditions) become job ready.
Competitive advantage
Inclusion in Employment – Rina’s Story
This is the first video in a series of stories for Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards that highlight inclusion in the Canberra community – Rina’s Story
‘Seeing Machines’ uncovers candidates abilities
Nick is a client of Employ for Ability who is on the autism spectrum and also experiences severe anxiety. We worked with Nick to examine areas of interest he may want to work in and explored areas of strength.
Neurodiversity and inclusion create value
Organisations are starting to learn that hiring people with neurodiversity can create incredible value.
Why are people with neurodiversity not being employed?
Today school leavers with neurodiversity will experience the highest rates of unemployment compared to any other group of people with disabilities.
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